Game-based education

unlock potential, and make learning an adventure with The Vault

The Vault is a revolutionary platform that combines education and entertainment to ignite the spark of curiosity and empower students in KS3 (ages 11-14).  We are creating an engaging and exciting way to learn by using a medium that children are naturally drawn to, namely video games, and combining it with true stories that are aligned with the curriculum.

Fulfilling potential

All of us have unique talents, is how to activate them and let them shine

The science behind The Vault’s playful learning

Discover the science behind the fun! Dive into research studies and expert insights that support The Vault's unique approach to learning.

Almost half of all students struggle to stay engaged with traditional learning methods. Many have unique talents and strengths that get overlooked in a one-size-fits-all approach. This can result in many children switching-off or being labelled as challenging.

Our ambition is to inspire and engage all children to learn and help them fulfil their potential.

Despite technology having advanced in leaps and bounds, our methods of teaching are pretty much the same as they have been for years. Yet, so much now exists to make learning engaging, motivating and fun, such as a video game!

Video games immerse players in another world where progress is often trial and error and involves learning-by-doing. It’s this active engagement which is so important and helpful to the overall learning process.

“Game-based learning is the future of education.”

Bill Gates

A blue background with a white line on it.

A dark brown background with a white border.

The Vault is an adventure puzzle role-play game that is set far in the future, and which has powerful true stories at its heart. As the oldest art form, stories engage us emotionally, as well as being a great way to remember facts and knowledge.

They also allow The Vault to take an interdisciplinary approach to learning. As opposed to learning topic by topic, players can see how different subjects fit together, influence each other and their relevance for life today!

In The Vault, players must save Earth. In life, they learn to unlock their love of learning.

Backed by research and educators

The Vault's engaging gameplay and curriculum alignment are backed by research and approved by educators, making it a learning experience parents, teachers, and children can all get excited about.

A blue background with a white line on it.

Learn through a game with impactful stories

Experiential learning and powerful true stories are at the heart of

The Vault is a game-based educational platform developed by Vault Learning which was designed to incorporate our belief that learning should be fun, engaging, and accessible for all.

We all love and remember a great story. It’s how humans have passed on information since the start of time.

We also know that the best way to learn is through experience. It’s an intuitive, all involving approach which is what we do when playing a video game. Through this powerful combination, we aim to inspire as many children as possible to learn and find their passion.